In your schoolwork or on the library's website, you may have seen the terms "database," "journal," and "article." Understanding the difference between these terms can help take some confusion out of your research.
A database is like a container that holds lots of different information or resources that is not always freely available on the Internet. Searching within a database could provide information in the form of articles, images, videos, book chapters and more. There are many different databases to search in and picking the right one for you will depend on what you are researching. For example, Academic Search Complete is a great starting point for interdisciplinary research, while CINAHL is a database that is best used by nursing and health sciences students. LLCC Library provides a list of their subscribed databases that you can filter by subject.
A journal is a publication that puts out issues on a regular basis. Journals can be found in print or online and will be scholarly in nature. Many journals are also revised via a process called peer-review. Examples of journals include the Journal of Consumer Affairs or the American Journal of Public Health.
Articles are found within publications such as journals, but they can also be found in magazines or newspapers. You will see these frequently come up in searches on the library's website, databases, or other search engines.
Answered By: Taylor Vazquez
Last Updated: Dec 06, 2021 Views: 216